To find out about the means of transportation before travel to Kyrgyzstan, in addition to cars for rent, will not be superfluous information. Now we will start with such a type of transportation as railway transport. A railway company "Kyrgyz Temir Zholy" or "Kyrgyz Railway" operates in Kyrgyzstan today. However, rail transportation is limited in terms of expansion. In other words, train can reach not all places in Kyrgyzstan during your tour, because the mountainous structure of the country limits travel by rail. That is why, during the travel tour, cars for rent are the most suitable way to move around Kyrgyzstan.
And so here, there are two parts of the railway transportation - the northern and southern. For example, during the travel tour, you can go not only by Bishkek car for rent but also by train to the Issyk Kul region, taking a ticket from Bishkek to Balykchy. This railroad continues to the railroad of Kazakhstan. Earlier, guests of Kyrgyzstan during the tour were taken to Uzbekistan by rail from Osh or Jalal Abad. Nevertheless, today, the guests will not be able to fall through the railway transportation.
The website of the Railway Company, or, will give you detailed information about timetable. By train, as you did not want to get there in a short time, so we offer our own comfortable Bishkek car for rent.